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Call for Papers

We invite submissions on any aspect of trustworthy and socially responsible machine learning, which includes but not limited to: Reviewing will be performed in double-blind, with criteria include:

Important Dates

Abstract and Full Paper Submission October 3 October 5, 2022, 11:59 PM, Anywhere on Earth (AoE)     Extended!
Notification October 20 October 23, 2022, AoE
Camera Ready and Video Submission November 3November 10, 2022, AoE

Author Instructions

Papers should be submitted to OpenReview:

Submission Format

Submitted papers are recommended to have at most 6 pages with unlimited bibliography and appendix, using TSRML 2022 LaTex style files: The page limit is not hard, but keeping your paper reasonably short and concise can greatly improve readability. Submissions must be anonymous following NeurIPS double-blind reviewing guidelines and NeurIPS Code of Conduct. Accepted papers will be hosted on this workshop website but are considered non-archival and can be submitted to other workshops, conferences or journals if their submission policy allows.

Dual submission policy

We allow dual submission with other workshops or conferences. You can also submit papers that have some overlaps with your recently published papers. However, we disallow papers that are presented at the NeurIPS main conference as well as other machine learning conferences.